Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Up Next: Orlando with kids

We are going to be headed to Orlando to the Nickelodeon Family Suites by Holiday Inn next week. We are filming there and I'll be sure to have the boys wear their IDONME bracelets, which you can purchase here on this site or on my Family Travel website, I forgot to mention another safety measure: Always carry a picture of your kids with you in case you do get separated, you can show people who you are looking for. Safety with kids is never an easy subject, but it is so important to think ahead. Be prepared for the unexpected when traveling with kids.

I am becoming quite the "authority" on family travel. I am receiving so many letters to my inbox asking me where to go and what to do with their children. Today, I even got a queries from Norway and Australia. I'm the international mom of mystery! It's nuts. Not only am I planning my travels for my own family, but I'm like a travel agent to the world with my new job as the Family Travel expert.

As I teach them, I am learning myself and looking forward to so many more experiences. My kids don't even realize how lucky they are. I hope someday they appreciate it.

I will report back on our trip to Orlando. We'll stay at the Nick Hotel and catch a dinner, comedy and magic show at Wonderworks. I love checking out some off-the-beaten path locations and attractions. We'll also hit Walt Disney World.

Happy Travels!

Jennifer Michaels, Family Travel Expert

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